Reclaim your curves now have a support network in the south west region. Reclaim Your Curves is a registered charity run by a crew of volunteers, created to assist women to plan their life after breast cancer, specifically women seeking breast reconstruction.
Visit the Reclaim Your Curves website for more information: https://www.reclaimyourcurves.org.au/home.html
A word from Jennifer – Organiser
“Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am excited to be able to welcome you to a regular lunch time date in Bunbury where we can chat about all those important things about breast reconstruction that only us ladies will know. Come along to find support of local women to help make your planning, surgery and recovery just a little better.”
If you are considering reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy Papillon Lingerie has a range of post surgery bras to assist in your recovery. Visit our shop for more information or call Cecilia to arrange a fitting or answer any questions you may have.
Bamboo Post Surgery Bras

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