A diagnosis of breast cancer can not only be life-changing and confusing but can have an enormous impact on you and your family emotionally and financially. Several agencies can assist people during this period which offer a wide range of practical and emotional support services, cancer-related information and referrals to professional services tailored to your specific needs. Breast Cancer Care WA provides one-on-one counselling, support groups, therapy workshops and practical|financial support, completely free of charge. If you or your family require assistance with any of these services, you can click the button below and visit there website. Alternatively, contact us for a list of other agencies and additional services.

Breast Cancer Care WA can also assist those women (eligible) who cannot afford the up-front cost for a prosthesis, to find out if your eligible click the button below and speak to Breast Cancer Care WA.
Our support for you
Deciding what bra and prosthesis to purchase after having breast surgery can be very overwhelming, let alone have an impact on you financially. While we can help you with the support for fittings and finding you the right fit, We can also provide you with assistance with applying for your Medicare rebate. Medicare will provide a rebate of up to $400 for each prosthesis purchased every 2 years. You can click the bottom below to download the claim form or ask for us to provide you with one when you book in your fitting. Should you have a private health provider you may be entitled to rebates for other mastectomy products together with compression garments as well. Please call Cecilia for more information.